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Service: Medical

Medical Service Menu

Medical Procedures



A complimentary analysis with the Observ 520x is performed prior to all consults for facial concerns.



Collagen is induced using repetitive puncture of numbed skin with tiny, sterile needles. Used to treat acne scarring, antiaging and sometimes combined with subcision.

Keloid Treatment


Intralesional steroid injections are used to decrease size and pigmentation of keloid scars.

Cryotherapy for Veruca (Performed by a Doctor)


Verucae / warts are frozen and destroyed using cold liquid nitrogen.

DPN / Growing Mole Removal


Electrocautery is used to gently remove growing moles with minimal discomfort.

Punch Skin Biopsy

A sample of skin is removed and sent to the lab for testing.

$1500.00 - Surgical Fee

$ 500.00 - Doctor's Fee

$ 500.00 + - Pathology reporting/lab fee

Excisional Skin Biopsy

$2500.00+ (Price dependent on the size of lesion)

Skin lesion is completely removed and sent to the lab for testing.

Removal of Sutures


Removal from sutures (stitches) from procedures after wound is healed.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Treatment

Your blood is drawn and growth factors are removed. Micro-needling is then utilized to push these rejuvenating compounds into the skin, promoting collagen and elastin formation. This promotes youthful and evenly-textured facial skin as well as replenishes hair on the scalp.

Acne Scarring:


Hair Rejuvenation




DPNs & Skin Tags



Hair Loss

Mole Removal


Redness & Rosacea

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Medical procedures are expertly carried out by our team of doctors with 12 Years Experience in Dermatology & 20 Years Experience in Medical Aesthetics. Our doctors together with our aestheticians are passionate and committed to both educating, and, improving the skin health of all of our patients.

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Primelase Laser Hair Removal




Hair Rejuvenation

Service Menus

Primelase Laser Hair Removal




Hair Rejuvenation

Click to view our Service Menus

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